Completed works

Somma Lombardo, via dei Mille
Real Estate Initiatives

The residential settlement gives fulfillment to a larger urban design. The intervention articulates the building bodies in increasing volumes from the smallest, street-facing one to the largest and most impactful one: the gradualness of the roofs and the backward position

The residential settlement gives fulfillment to a larger urban design. The intervention articulates the building bodies in increasing volumes from

Sulbiate, Piazza Beretta
Real Estate Initiatives

The site intervenes in an established urban fabric.The existing volumes are replaced by two new buildings of architectural and construction quality, evidenced especially by the use of brick for arches, pillars and in curtain walls. Balconies provide overlooking and views

The site intervenes in an established urban fabric.The existing volumes are replaced by two new buildings of architectural and construction

Sulbiate, via Chiesa
Public Works

The new sports hall consists of a main body, which stands out in size, and smaller volumes intended for locker rooms and storage.Large openings characterize the façade, ensuring optimal interior lighting. A large green area surrounds the facility to allow

The new sports hall consists of a main body, which stands out in size, and smaller volumes intended for locker

Trescore Balneario, via Chiesa
Public Works

It is a vocational school, for “the training and further education of industrial workers,” built in the Cavallina Valley on flat land in a residential school zone.The structure is built in classroom-laboratory blocks and related services that can be easily

It is a vocational school, for “the training and further education of industrial workers,” built in the Cavallina Valley on

Treviglio, piazza Paolo VI

The parish complex includes a new worship building, bell tower, rectory house, services and compendium activities. The new complex provides the parish and the neighborhood with adequate facilities for the performance of religious and social functions; it also contributes, in

The parish complex includes a new worship building, bell tower, rectory house, services and compendium activities. The new complex provides

Trezzano S. N., via Concordia
Public Works

The facility houses the middle and elementary schools of the municipality of Trezzano sul Naviglio. The institute is divided into separate functional blocks, joined together by the walkway, which in the designer’s intentions was to look like “the little train

The facility houses the middle and elementary schools of the municipality of Trezzano sul Naviglio. The institute is divided into

Varedo, via San Giuseppe
Public Works

On a former brownfield site, the new residential building punctuates two bodies of the building, which dialogue with each other in terms of architecture and size. The construction articulation allows for a gathering space in front, which is also protected

On a former brownfield site, the new residential building punctuates two bodies of the building, which dialogue with each other

Varedo, Piazzetta Santa Maria
Public Works

As early as 1984, the two-lot renovation of the former Medici Villa in Marignano, converted to the current municipal headquarters, beganbecause of its barycentric location, overlooking the main square.In addition to consolidating the structure of the building, of which some

As early as 1984, the two-lot renovation of the former Medici Villa in Marignano, converted to the current municipal headquarters,

Varedo, via Vittorio Emanuele II
Public Works

The intervention renovates the historic building, paying special attention to preserving the characteristic elements of its architecture. The residential rearrangement of interior spaces thus preserves the exterior forms of the old structure. Basement stone and exposed brick erect the pillars

The intervention renovates the historic building, paying special attention to preserving the characteristic elements of its architecture. The residential rearrangement

Varedo, via Monte Tomba

The philological renovation, attentive to period materials and building types, intervenes on buildings purchased by the municipality for use as new housing. Structural consolidation in reinforced concrete thus marries the accomplished preservation of the historic site, which retains exposed traditional

The philological renovation, attentive to period materials and building types, intervenes on buildings purchased by the municipality for use as

Verano Brianza, via N. Sauro
Public Works

The expansion of the existing school building allows for the refinement of public education service. Among the added buildings, the gymnasium stands out for its modernity: facing a main street, the sports facility serves not only the neighboring institutions but

The expansion of the existing school building allows for the refinement of public education service. Among the added buildings, the

Verano Brianza, via S. Giuseppe
Public Works

The kindergarten consists of several building bodies, with precise educational functions, connected to each other by the long distributive corridor. The building bodies are characterized by a single-pitch roof, which articulates the fronts of the school. The buildings are set

The kindergarten consists of several building bodies, with precise educational functions, connected to each other by the long distributive corridor.